Utilizing inexpensive, easily obtainable components, you can build the same information gathering, covert sleuthing devices used by your favorite film secret agent. Projects range from simple to sophisticated and come complete with a list of required parts and tools, numerous illustrations, and step-by-step assembly instructions.
- Projects include: scanners and radios, night vision devices, telephone devices, computer monitoring, audio eavesdropping, hidden cameras, video transmitters, and more
Customer Review: Seems to have been orphaned which is bad because...
the book itself provides almost no specifics about where to find parts, no model numbers or even brands. Just black & white photos with captions like "A collection of small spy camera, each with different lux ratings." I gather there was once good support on - it's gone without a trace. The projects are great, and (I'm just starting) they sure sound like they should work, if I can find appropriate parts... !
Customer Review: Mini who me?
Although this is a cool book, a lot of the stuff in it is really a fun surprise, but it won't make you an evil genius. First, if you want to be said E.G., you must be a genius, then you have to be EVIL, which is hard, unless you are a jerk, since people tend to decalre wars on you and what not, and somehow nature has figured out how to make sure that (a) if you're a jerk then (b) you're probably not a genius. And for the rest of us? I mean, really, who has time to think up ways to take over the world that won't bring Homeland Security knocking at your door in the wee hours with a black canvas body-bag and an iron collar? But it's really a fun read and some of the ideas are things I'd actually do on a rainy Saturday when football is over.
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